New year – new start.
My new years resolution wasn’t to quit doing something.
But to TRY something. START something.
Each month was a reason to try something new. Anything. New food. New bar. New skill. New date.
New experience. New anything. January was to give blood (fear of needles!) February was to try oysters (fear of seafood!) March was to learn Italian. And April? April was to try yoga. And the rest as they say is history.
So. Hot Yoga. What’s it all about? Stretching? Toning? Sweating?
None of the above? All of the above? All depends how ‘hard-core’ you go I guess…
Me. Why did I start? Initially because of my scoliosis. When standing up, my back hurts. Sitting down my back also hurts. Before the cure was vodka! Now it’s yoga. And I f****** love it! I’ve surprised myself. I used to think it was pretentious, something for the ‘airy-fairy’ hippy community, the tie-dye t-shirts and harem pants brigade – preaching love, peace and happiness.
I couldn’t have been more wrong. What a wonderful mix of people. Sure, some are kooky. But in some ways, I guess, so am I.
On the ‘wrong’ side of 30. The body was getting sluggish. I needed to change things up. Be more active. My friend recommended hot yoga. Yoga in 45-degree heat. All I could think was: HELL -NO!
My first class? Awful. Couldn’t understand the teacher. Couldn’t survive the 60 minutes & the heat. I felt wretched. This wasn’t the empowering moment I thought it would be. My friend reminded me coyly, ‘the first time always hurts’. You gotta try it again.
My second class. Awesome. Truly f****** awesome! Loved the teacher. Heat was cranked up to 40 degrees… and I went for the full 90 minutes! Couldn’t believe I survived. Gallons of water were consumed. Sweat was dripping down my face onto my mat. My feet slipping with no grip. But I loved it. It was a workout without actually having to ‘workout’. And the best part? The Sava Sana at the end – lying on the mat, relaxing for 5 minutes in a warm hot room. Feeling proud of what you just accomplished. Totally relaxed, falling into a cheeky little snooze…in a room full of people. Embarrassed? Only when the snoring started. Oops.
That was it. Yoga had me hook, line and sinker. Decided to go in hard, I committed to practice it 4 times a week. Hard to do with a demanding job and hours, when all you want to do is go home and relax after a full days work. Thank God for the flexi-hours – come in early, leave early. Longer evenings for my yoga practice. I’m slowly getting centered. That work-life balance that I envy others for having. I even managed to squeeze in some cheeky back-bends, sailing around the Balearic island of Ibiza. Heaven.
So. Why do I love it? What’s the thrill? It’s just yoga, isn’t it? Wrong. It gives you a sense of accomplishment. A sense of calm. After every workout on the mat, you come away feeling calm and relaxed. There is nothing more satisfying than conquering a pose that you have been struggling with for weeks. Instead of crazy shapes on the dance floor, it’s craaaazy shapes on the mat!
Soul Circus Yoga Festival, August 2016
It’s now September. I’ve continued with yoga. Even completed my first Rocket Yoga Workshop Weekend. Received my first ever Diploma!! (Puffed out chest moment!!!) And the year isn’t over yet!
So watch this space for what Oct / Nov / Dec will bring… NAMASTE !
What have I learned?
To embrace life. Try new things.
Love new things. Not to be scared.
Soul Circus Yoga Festival, August 2016
By Anna, Shark Lover